Dependable Delivery

What is Dependable Delivery?
We are a fully insured, professional, and reliable vehicle and product delivery company servicing all of South Eastern Virginia. We are a delivery company born in the automotive service department of a local dealership to save people time and prevent them from altering their daily schedules to handle needed vehicle maintenance. The two most frequent complaints given by customers at vehicle repair facilities are excessive cost and inconvenient service hours.
While Dependable Delivery can’t control your repair costs, we can address convenience. We meet our customers at a location of their choosing and drive their vehicle to a location they dictate.
Since we have started, Dependable Delivery, LLC has strived to give people and businesses their precious time back. Thats why along with our original vehicle delivery service we now offer product delivery for businesses. For questions about any of our services, or for any other reason that has you asking what to do with your car, call Dependable Delivery.
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